ProximaX Enters China

Strategic Partnership with Hurricane Ecology to boost storage availability for ProximaX ecosystem
SHENZHEN, CHINA – ProximaX has signed a strategic partnership with Hurricane Ecology, a China-based blockchain project that is building an intelligent ecosystem and infrastructure for video data storage, data processing and application development.
Led by a cohort of technology experts comprising technopreneurs, technology evangelists, and scientists, Hurricane Ecology envisions that its proprietary model of storage technology will change the default protocol of data storage and streaming in the future. From the onset, Hurricane Ecology has mapped out a strategic framework that can propel early adopters forward through its Hurricane Storage, Hurricane Data Processing System, Hurricane Public Blockchain, and Hurricane Incubator. It has also identified the DDSN (Decentralised Delivery Streaming Network) as the protocol alongside blockchain, artificial intelligence, edge computing and data security to deliver its video storage technology aspirations.
“China has indeed come a long way. In less than two decades, Chinese tech companies have gone from “nohow” and playing catch-up to now leading the global tech arena in areas beyond many tech critics’ imagination. For us, to have this strategic tie-up is both an honour and a privilege,” said Lon Wong, founder and CEO of ProximaX.
Under this collaboration, Hurricane Ecology and ProximaX will jointly explore the utilization of Hurricane Ecology’s network storage capacity, storage hardware and storage facilities across China. This will avail data space and nodes to ProximaX engineers, system integrators and tech partners. Hurricane Ecology’s added InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) could double up as ProximaX’s public chain and to that end, becomes a one-stop high-performance DApps development platform for developers to build applications on.
“We welcome ProximaX with open arms as we both share a unified vision to propagate blockchain usage to the world due to its many advantageous features and factors,” said Can Zhang, CEO of Hurricane Ecology. “I look forward to a mutually beneficial future together and it is my hope that with ProximaX onboard, it will inspire our engineers to work harder as we now have real use cases coming on board sooner than we can anticipate.”
Hurricane Ecology already owns 20,000m2 of operational data centres in the Jiangsu and Henan provinces with six more similar data centres under construction in Anhui, Hubei, Shandong, Xinjiang, Shanghai, and an additional one in Jiangsu. More are in the pipeline as Hurricane Ecology has also secured government approval for more sites to add on to its impressive stable of data centres. The strategic agreement was signed between Hurricane Ecology’s Can Zhang and ProximaX’s Lon Wong in conjunction with the Hurricane Ecology-organised “2019 Global IPFS Innovation Development Summit and Hurricane Ecology Press Release” held on 18 August 2019 at Shenzhen Hilton Hotel, China, co-sponsored by Hong Kong Blockchain Association and supported by China Commodity Association, Asian Blockchain Association and ONE.TOP Rating.
About Hurricane Ecology
Hurricane Ecology is a blockchain technology company in China that aims to remodel blockchain storage technology by envisioning what the market needs in the future and building this infrastructure today. Central to its technology roadmap is the dual layer intelligent ecosystem and its vision to position video data storage at the core complemented at the side with data processing and application developments. The critical thinking at Hurricane Ecology is spearheaded by a group of seasoned tech stakeholders with experience in corporate enterprise, entrepreneurial start-ups and strategic cross-border representatives.
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About ProximaX
ProximaX is a next-generation Integrated and Distributed Ledger Technology (“IaDLT”) infrastructure development platform powered by blockchain technology. Known as ProximaX Sirius, this platform is comprised of off-chain, peer-to-peer storage, streaming, database, and blockchain layers in an all-in-one, easy-to-use development platform. Users of this platform may elect to use the various layers of the ProximaX Sirius development platform in a private, public or hybrid environment.
The immense flexibility and breadth of use cases of ProximaX Sirius development platform include, but are not limited to, KYC processes, business continuity, video streaming, health, identity, IoT devices and robotics, big data applications, records and reporting systems, traceability, legal and notary services, land registry, trade finance, workforce collaboration, messaging, and supply chain management.
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