Two4one and ProximaX to roll out first-of-its-kind Electronic Gift Card Solution for managing relief packages in Africa
NAIROBI / SINGAPORE – 13 APRIL 2020 – Two4one App Ltd (“Two4one”), a Nairobi-based technology company, has been commissioned by the Centum Foundation to roll out its ProximaX Sirius-based Electronic Gift Card Solution (“EGC Solution”) to manage the Centum Foundation’s COVID-19 Relief Program.
The Centum Foundation is a non-profit subsidiary of Centum Investment Company (“Centum”) Plc set up to mobilize the Centum Group’s existing corporate social investment with impactful, scalable, and sustainable initiatives that empower communities.
Stanely Njenga, CEO of Two4one, explained:
“With the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is imperative that relief efforts act not only quickly, but find an effective means of helping the poor and vulnerable whose lives depend on hand-to-mouth wages. We have partnered with ProximaX because of their track record of rapidly developing and deploying solutions using their advanced blockchain technology.”
The EGC Solution developed by ProximaX for Two4one will track items using the ProximaX Sirius public blockchain. Distribution records captured by this solution are immutable and tamper-evident, and any discrepancy can immediately be traced thus minimizing the risk of abuse or leakages. Initially, the program will deploy relief packages to 12,000 recipients with the objective of scaling this to 30,000 recipients and beyond.
A recent food distribution program in Kenya had created major chaos when a massive congregation of people rushed to the collection point with complete disregard for social distancing. This resulted in the government banning the program. The EGC Solution used by Centum will be the first instance in which state-of-the-art technology is being utilized for crowd control by way of batched and controlled release of EGCs.
Centum, which runs Two Rivers Mall, one of the biggest malls in Kenya, is working with major supermarkets like Carrefour and Tuskys to use this solution to distribute relief packages.

Lon Wong, CEO of ProximaX, said:
“We’ve been working with Two4one on a number of other initiatives. When there was a call in Kenya for a fast and effective solution to manage the distribution of basic necessities, Two4one was quick to step up to offer our technology. Within a week, we created a working solution that has now been fine-tuned for deployment. This was made possible by the ProximaX Sirius platform, which is holistic and easy to develop on.”
This project further proves the strength of the ProximaX Sirius platform solution, demonstrating yet again that anyone reasonably skilled is able to whip out a solution in days.
Two4one will be working closely with Centum to ensure a successful rollout and provide ongoing support. At the same time, Two4one will continue to promote the use of this EGC Solution as an effective means of distributing relief packages throughout Kenya and other African nations.
About Two4one
Two4one is a technology company that assists governments, organizations, and businesses in Africa digitalize using blockchain technology. As well as being able to help implement customized solutions, Two4one offers whitelabel blockchain-powered products that are ready-to-use, including for e-payments, digital identity, e-KYC, capital markets issuance and trading, gift cards, loyalty points, notary services, and e-voting.
Email: team@two4one.co.ke | Website: https://rhinoh.wixsite.com/two4oneapp
About ProximaX
ProximaX is a blockchain-based infrastructure and development platform project that combines blockchain technology with distributed service layers. It integrates blockchain with distributed and decentralized storage, streaming, database, and Supercontract (enhanced smart contract) service layers to create an all-in-one, easy-to-use platform. ProximaX is built for scalability and can include more services in the future without compromising on performance. It is a unique enterprise-grade platform developed on proven technologies and is available in a private, public, and hybrid network configuration.
ProximaX’s extensive utility and flexibility can be used for a wide range of use cases that include, but are not limited to, digital identity, KYC, video streaming and chat, IoT and robotics, big data and AI, records and reporting, business continuity, legal and notary services, medical records, land registry, capital markets, e-payments and core banking, and supply chain management.
Media Contact: Sue Ng, sue.ng@proximax.ltd | Website: https://www.proximax.ltd